Monday, May 31, 2010

First Week

I have now been in Budapest for one week. Part of me feels like I just got here yesterday and part of me feels as if I have been here for a long time now. For the most part, everything has gone well, I haven't gotten lost and everyone I have met has been very friendly. I have met a lot of local IAESTE members and they have been taking turns helping me get what I need and where I need to go. I have started to explore a little on my own, but only within walking distance.

I started working today. Bence, a local IAESTE member, went with me to help me find the office. After taking a bus, the tram and the metro we finally arrived to an area he had never been to. It took us a while to even figure out how to cross the street because we came out of the wrong side. Then we decided to walk instead of taking another bus and had to figure out how to cross another street but this time without a light (a much harder task than one might think, drivers here are crazy and pedestrians definitely do not have the right-of-way). We found the right street and started walking. Little did we know we were going the wrong direction. After wondering around for a while I finally made him stop and ask for directions. We eventually found the place and I was slightly confused because there was a concrete mixing plant where I would have expected a parking lot.

I met the owner of the company and he started explaining to me what his company works on and what I will be working on. I honestly didn't understand exactly what he was saying and I think he thinks I am an idiot. I don't really know what I will be doing except that I will be working at the construction site for the fourth metro line they are putting in. He told me I will need boots and a doctors approval before I can start working. They then took me over to the site where I will be working, gave me a hard hat, a safety vest and got me some boots. Bence left and another intern, Andrew, helped me order my lunch for the week (they are providing lunch for me, which is one less thing I have to worry about). However, Andrew had to leave shortly after and there wasn't really anyone else around who spoke English and they had nothing for me to do so they put me on the bus and sent me home.

To be honest, at this point I am not really sure how I feel about my job. I figure I need to give it a little time before I decide, but I really wasn't expecting to work on a construction project and be in the field. I felt absolutely rediculous showing up today in a nice dress and flats. I was told multiple times to wear jeans and close toed shoes in the future. I think I might have to get a some kind of jumpsuit for when I have to work down in the tunnel (what I will be doing in there, I have no idea).

I will do my best to post pictures later, but for now I do not have access to a computer.


  1. I hope you don't mind, but I was laughing when I read this post! :) Getting hopelessly turned around even WITH a local, wearing a dress and flats to a construction site, etc... too funny. I hope your confusion/anxiety about your job end soon and you too can start laughing (if you aren't already). Take care and have fun!

  2. That's absurd! Why didn't they tell you about the jeans BEFORE you left? I guess I shouldn't be surprised since their communication overall was pretty dismal. Oh well, right? I am interested to hear exactly what they've got you doing at the site. I also want a picture of you in a jumpsuit, boots, and a hard hat, haha.

  3. Carol- I definitely was not laughing yesterday but now I think it is funny, so I don't mind that you were laughing.

    Alli- I wondered the same thing myself. I was fairly upset at the fact they hadn't told me and I have mostly office clothes with me and have no use for them. Also, I think a better picture would be me in the dress and leggings withthw boots, hard hat and safety vest they gave me yesterday...

  4. It sounds like you are having quite the adventure...If you look on the bright side, I bet in a week or so once you have figured a few more things out, you can show those men how awesome female engineers are!! Anyway good luck:)

  5. what an adventure enjoy every minute and keep the updates coming so we can tap into a bit of this adventure
